Applegate Review♥

Applegate hot dogs are simple: just beef, water, sea salt, and spices – and they have much less fat and sodium than other hot dogs. They’re made with meat from animals never administered antibiotics or hormones. Like all Applegate’s products, their hot dogs contain no artificial ingredients or preservatives! These are the cleanest wieners! Also, this week they just launched their Wienervention, an app on their Facebook page ( where you can send a Wienervention to a friend plagued by bad meat and receive a $2 coupon for their cleaner wieners. Be sure to visit there page and watch the video (it's hilarious!) and select the loved ones you'd like to save from the dark, charbroiled world of bad meat!

First and foremost these are GMO-free, Applegate's organic line is and always has been made from animals raised on certified organic, GMO-free feed. Second my family loves them, especially my daughters! I feel great feeding them food without fillers and chemicals. These hot dogs are phenomenal, great texture, bite, and flavor when grilled! I will not eat any other hot dog than these. Aside from the health & nutrition factors, they are delicious! I highly recommend Applegate, they also have Deli Meat (which is seriously amazing), Cheeses, Bacon, Sausages, Chicken nuggets, Strips, and Pot Pies, plus Burgers! We have purchased many products from this organic line and will continue to do so, I definitely give Applegate 5 stars!!!!

DISCLAIMER: All products received are complimentary for testing purposes from Applegate. All opinions stated are my own and are not influenced by any affiliates.


  1. Do y'all have BJ's wholesale near you, girl? I LOVE Applegate products and we buy them in bulk at BJ's. We actually just recently tried the hot dogs and everything you said in the review is spot on - soooo good (and I don't even LIKE hot I have to say our favorite Applegate product is the turkey deli meat though..SO good and CLEAN!

    1. We do, but don't have a membership, I will definitely look into getting one! Their turkey deli meat is my favorite and their chicken nuggets, mhmmmm! I'm not a big hotdog fan either but these were actually delicious and the girls loved them!!!

  2. Oh wow love how natural these sound - I wonder if they sell them over here I shall have to have a look for them thank you :) x

    1. Check your local grocery store and let me know what you think!

  3. I had some of these a few weeks ago - just without the bun - and it was delicious!

    1. Which kind did you have? I was thinking of trying the turkey dogs!

  4. These are definitely being added to the shopping list! I love that they don;t have a bunch of unnecessary ingredients and are so natural-sounding!

  5. You had me at GMO free. I am off to hunt these guys down! Thanks!

    1. I felt the same exact way, check your local grocery store! ;)

  6. Oh my gosh--this looks SOOOOO good!!!

    1. They totally are and this is coming from someone who truly dislikes hotdogs!

  7. These look amazing and really makes me want to try them!! Yumm!!!

    1. You definitely must try them, they are delicious

  8. Wow, that is really nice to have products that are organic such as meat. Would love to look for these in the store.


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