Love With Food Review♥

Love With Food is the easiest way to discover what's tasty, delivered to your door! For only $10/month, members will receive a curated box of unique, hard-to-find tasty foods which varies based on seasonal themes. Say goodbye to boring grocery selections and HELLO to a monthly tasty surprise and you'll be donating a meal to a hungry child in USA! As a Love With Food member, you'll get to sample different products each month, earn points by leaving reviews and enjoy exclusive discounts to all full-sized products featured in your box. Use your points to buy products for FREE. In our online community, you'll also discover great recipes and other food enthusiasts. At Love With Food, they are passionate about helping the more than 16 million children in America who are at risk of hunger. For every box sold, they donate a meal to several food banks such as the Feeding America Network and Share Our Strength - No Kid Hungry. Join Them to help end childhood hunger one meal at a time!
My favorite things about this box is they donate a meal for every box sold, how awesome is that! I also love that everything is organic, I just knew this box would be perfect for me. I am nervous when it comes to trying new foods but this is for a fantastic cause and for $10 a month you really can't beat that! This box is very unique and I have yet to see anything compare. I was extremely surprised when I received my first box. It's a little red box, filled with some amazing samples. My Summer Bash box contained Roasted Seaweed from Seaweed Love, Coconut + Mango Fruit Ice from Smooze, Gluten-Free Pineapple Coconut Cereal Bar from Do More Bars, Organic Fruity Bears from Surf Sweets, Sweet Plantain Chips from Trubana, All Natural Fruit and Soy Bar from SoyJoy, Pomegranate Mint Chewing Gum from PUR Gum, Organic Hard Candy from GoOrganic, and Organic Drink Mix from Flavrz! This month I also donated not one, but TWO meals to foodbanks in Oklahoma! I honestly felt  like a little kid waiting to open a new Christmas present, this is such a fun way to discover new treats! 

DISCLAIMER: All products received are complimentary for testing purposes from Love With Food. All opinions stated are my own and are not influenced by any affiliates.


  1. Such a great cause, for only ten bucks a month, I might just try this out! Especially since it's helping a child eat!

  2. That is awesome that they donate a meal for every box sold and the items sound so yummy. I am hungry now.

  3. What an awesome idea and cost effective. Thanks for sharing!

  4. How awesome! I've never heard of them before but it is great that they donate! :) I love companies that give back!

  5. Nice program and subscription. That's good that you liked what they sent you.

  6. I had not heard of this program. I need to tell hubby about it!

  7. I have seen this popping up on facebook and I think the best thing is that they are looking to help children in need! It's so important to help the children in our own country! Nothing wrong with helping other country's but we need to focus on our own!

  8. This sounds great. I will definitely have to check this out.

  9. What a great idea I'll have to have a look into it as it sounds like it will be right up my street x

  10. Love that they are giving back! Well worth the $10 a month. (karma bloggers 8/27 alexa thread love)

  11. i love that they donate a meal for every box sold that is awesome!

  12. This sounds like a great idea! Who doesn't love a meal ready to go!

  13. i love this post! thanks for such a great review. i really like that they donate meals. i also like that they send you healthy options that real people want to eat. thanks again!

  14. I've heard of this before, but didn't understand the concept until now- thanks for sharing I'll have to look into this- great gift idea too!


  15. I just now discovered this, and it's pretty cool! The fact that they donate meals makes it that much better. I can't wait to sign up for it.


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