Bakery on Main Oatmeal Review♥

Bakery on Main is all about better health and happy tastebuds living together in harmony. Their mission is to not only make their customers happy with great-tasting gluten free products, but spreading a little bit of happiness to everyone they meet and work with. The Bakery also like to encourage others to think about things that make them happy and to do something to make yourself, a family member, a friend or even a complete stranger happy. Their products are also 100% GMO-free! They have Oatmeal, Fiber Power, Gluten Free Granola Bars, Gluten Free Granola, Truebar, Soft & Chewy Granola Bars, and Gifts.

(Apple Pie & Strawberry Shortcake)

Our family loves Oatmeal, especially GMO-free Oatmeal, It's seriously amazing! We were all pretty excited about trying this oatmeal so I allowed my girls to do a review for this oatmeal because who better to trust than a 5 & 2 year old? Lol! Lily (my 5 year old) tried Strawberry Shortcake and she ate the entire bowl in about 2 minutes! She loved it and it smelled divine, like she was eating a fresh bowl of strawberries!!! Sophia (my 2 year old) tried Apple Pie and she also ate the entire bowl plus asked for more! This also smelled divine, like I baked an apple pie and let her eat it for breakfast, who knew oatmeal could smell so good and TASTE even better! My fiance tried Blueberry scone and he said the texture and everything was perfect and sooo good! As you can read this brand definitely get's an A+ I also highly recommend it!

DISCLAIMER: All products received are complimentary for testing purposes from Bakery on Main. All opinions stated are my own and are not influenced by any affiliates.


  1. Great post, Thanks for sharing. (I found your blog through Karmabloggers on FB my name on there is Alicia)

  2. Ooh i gotta try this! we eat a lot of oatmeal in my house but quaker can get boring fast!

  3. I love oatmeal, and this sounds delicious! Always willing to try a new kind, especially one with so many flavors. Plus, I love that this is GMO and gluten-free! Cute packaging too!

  4. That really looks good! Those flavors sound delicious. I've never heard of that brand. I'll have to be on the look out for it. Thanks for the review. :)

  5. I haven't had their oatmeal, but I have had their granola bars which were YUMMY!

  6. We are a definite oatmeal family so this would definitely appeal to my kiddos! The proof for me is that your kiddos ate every last bite! :)

  7. Some yummy options for meals. Thanks for the review.


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