Non-GMO Giveaway♥

As Promised I am keeping up with my Non-GMO project. I had my first visit to Whole Foods Market and let's just say it was heaven! Everything was so organized, completely organic, and they even had fruits/vegetables from local farmers! It was very kid friendly and the employees were amazing. It was a bit more expensive but we definitely expected it! Going organic automatically means spending $400 more a year on groceries! Why? Because no chemicals = more labor, demand overwhelms supply, crop rotation, organic certification, better living conditions for livestock, and organic food grows more slowly!

I've noticed a complete difference, the girls actually eat and don't complain! They even ask for seconds which is very very rare! Sophia had no interest in milk what so ever and now she actually drinks a cup or two a day!!!!  Lily is not only eating better but she's also listening to why GMO's are bad! She's actually picking up on things and passing them on. She refuses to buy regular pop-tarts and willing chooses organic instead. This is a big deal because pulling them away was a little ruff, she didn't understand why or how something so "good" was so bad! After talking to her about everything, she agreed taking them away was better for her and her family. She is excited to eat breakfast at home and have me pack her lunch!
From an adults point of view, you can taste the difference in everything, especially the fruit! I was a little speechless after spending so much but seeing my girls eat better makes it worth every little penny. If it means cutting down on things like going to the movies than I will do it! This is why I'm encouraging my family to also go Non-GMO, to see them live longer healthier lives! After speaking to Amy from Whole Foods Market, she offered to help me come up with this Non-GMO giveaway.

"365 Popcorn, 365 Oat & Honey Granola, Two Moms in the Raw Raisin Granola, Green Tea Mint Chocolate, 365 Dark Chocolate, Way Better Tortilla Chips, Natures All Banana Chip"

Non-GMO Giveaway:
One (1) winner will receive: A Gift Basket Full of Non-GMO Products. Ends 7.16.13.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLAIMER: All products received are complimentary for testing purposes from Whole Foods, Glastonbury. All opinions stated are my own and are not influenced by any affiliates.


  1. I want the best for my family!

  2. Reading about GMOs is scary! I don't want all that nasty crap in my body!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! <3

  3. Ohhh so excited about this girl:) I appreciate you posting about the non-GMO stuff because as you know our family is trying desperately to become a non-GMO fam...but like you said in one of your earlier entries, it def does not happen overnight. it sucks that it costs so much more $ to eat right but it's SO worth it!

  4. GMO's are scary and not natural. I don't like that man is messing with nature. Nature should be left alone as it should be. I want what's best for my family and myself. No GMO's for us!

  5. I started getting into early almost all organic when I read a book about chemicals sprayed on many of our large farms. I try to watch documentaries, etc (King Corn is a good one) and then have been following the GMO genesis and how it is affecting local organic farmers. I also learned that just because something says it's organic, doesn't mean it's organic (USDA Organic is probably as close as you can get in stores if you don't grow it yourself), and that GMO seeds and easily mix with organic seeds, which is a huge frustration among organic farmers. Scary!

  6. This is a great giveaway! There is so much to worry about in our food and genetically modified products are definitely among them.

  7. My son in law has been doing a lot of reading and I never knew all this stuff that was getting put in our foods...

  8. It is good for the family. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. That you for this amazing giveaway definitely up to read up more about GMO

  10. We are non-GMO because I don't know what sort of crazy things those chemicals and modifications can do to my kids' bodies.

  11. This is exciting!!! I try my best to be non-gmo, it's hard when rushed or having the other shopper in the house do shopping! I am trying harder lately though :D

  12. What a very interesting project you've undertaken. I'm learning a lot about GMO foods ad definitely want to avoid them if I can.

  13. I hate that it costs more money to eat healthy!! But I am really trying to go non-GMO!


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