Applegate Review, Part Two♥

Applegate has asked my family to try a new product, uncured Bologna. If you haven't heard about Applegate here is some information, they're Deli Meat has no antibiotics, growth hormones, artificial ingredients or chemical nitrites. It is Humanely Raised and Gluten Free. It has all of the great taste that you want, without the junk that you don't! We are huge fans of they're Organic Smoked Turkey Breast so I was extremely excited to try this and so was my family.

My family and I are looking for new lunch ideas, and who doesn't remember eating Bologna as a kid? I'm not going to lie I am a little disappointed this deli meat isn't organic because it is absolutely amazing, also just a small warning this Bologna does spoil fast because it does not have preservatives in it (I decided to freeze one and keep one in the refrigerator)! This deli meat has a great texture, flavor and is just phenomenal. The slices aren’t as thick so it’s not as rubbery as regular bologna. I highly recommend it, actually no I recommend any product from Applegate. They have Hotdogs, Cheeses, Bacon, Sausages, Chicken nuggets, Chicken strips, and Pot Pies, plus Burgers! I feel great feeding my family food without fillers or chemicals and Applegate has just that! I definitely give Applegate 5 stars!

DISCLAIMER: All products received are complimentary for testing purposes from Applegate. All opinions stated are my own and are not influenced by any affiliates.


  1. We love Applegate esp the sausage

  2. I've never heard of Applegate...I will have to look into it :)

  3. I haven't seen these in my grocery store, but I might try them if I do.

  4. Never heard of this, too but, will definitely, check this out in our local store. I always want to try something new!

  5. Sounds yummy! Never heard of Applegate until now. Thanks for sharing ;)

  6. I've never heard of this brand before. My boys love bologna but we just buy Oscar Mayer. Will have to look for this the next time we go shopping.

  7. I also never have heard of them but will keep an eye out :)

  8. We just started a no processed diet and this would be awesome for us. Thank you for the review.

  9. Sounds yummy scrummy, and love the fact it contains nothing artificial or growth hormones

  10. I'm not a huge bologna person but i do like it once in awhile and i think I may have to try this out!! =D


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