Dr. Scholl's Active Series Review♥

During athletic activity, the foot is subject to the shock from impact of 2-3 times your body weight with every step. Dr. Scholl's Active Series Insoles reduce shock by 40% and, for those with shin splints, runner's knee and plantar fasciitis, helps relieve and prevent the pain. I'm usually not a fan of Insoles but I love these inserts. They are supportive and comfortable, I have definitely noticed a difference! I use to walk or run just about everyday and my shins would hurt so bad (which is why I stopped), I can still feel a slight sensation in my shins after a walk/run, but NOTHING like the extreme pain I was enduring before. I am very impressed and grateful for this product! I even got my fiance to buy a pair! I definitely recommend this product!!

PROS:  Instant relief, comfortable, easy to use, affordable ($18.50)
CONS: Honestly I can't think of any
DISCLAIMER: All products received are complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster


  1. Ha! I love that there are no cons! I need a set of these!!!

  2. I've tried the ones for high heels, and they're good, too.

    1. I've heard great things about Dr. Scholl's For Her! I think it's time I look into those as well!!!

  3. I love Dr. Scholls, they can take a super uncomfortable pair of shoes and make them nice and cozy.

  4. I need those for my tennis shoes! I really love Dr. Scholls. Thank you for sharing! I will be on the lookout for them.

  5. Love Dr scholls inserts! they are a god send! thanks for sharing!

  6. I didn't know they made these for exercising! That's awesome!

  7. Sounds like a great product! :) I don't do much running (or any, in fact), but do have sensitive feet.

  8. I need these to wear with my only pair of sneakers. Living in florida I have flip flop feet, and they dont match well with sneakers.

  9. I will check these out for all the running I do. Thanks.


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