Love With Food Giveaway♥

Remember me posting about Love With Food back in August? No? Let me refresh your memory!

Love With Food is the easiest way to discover what's tasty, delivered to your door! For only $10/month, members will receive a curated box of unique, hard-to-find tasty foods which varies based on seasonal themes. Say goodbye to boring grocery selections and HELLO to a monthly tasty surprise and you'll be donating a meal to a hungry child in USA! As a Love With Food member, you'll get to sample different products each month, earn points by leaving reviews and enjoy exclusive discounts to all full-sized products featured in your box. Use your points to buy products for FREE. In our online community, you'll also discover great recipes and other food enthusiasts. At Love With Food, they are passionate about helping the more than 16 million children in America who are at risk of hunger. For every box sold, they donate a meal to several food banks such as the Feeding America Network and Share Our Strength - No Kid Hungry. Join Them to help end childhood hunger one meal at a time!

This is definitely one of my favorite monthly subscriptions, not only am I getting a box full of organic goods (that I would have NEVER thought about trying) but I donate a meal to food banks to help end childhood hunger! I honestly feel  like a little kid waiting to open a new Christmas present, this is such a fun way to discover new treats!

Love With Food is giving one of my lucky followers a 3 month subscription, pretty cool huh!

Love With Food Giveaway:
One (1) winner will receive: A 3 month subscription to Love With Food. Ends 10.15.13.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLAIMER: All products received are complimentary for testing purposes from Love With Food. All opinions stated are my own and are not influenced by any affiliates.


  1. This is so exciting! I can't wait to see what this is all about. I'm seriously considering signing up right now!! (:

  2. I love being able to try different foods!! And it's great that they donate meals - win win!

  3. I love that it's organic, I get to try new foods & that they donate meals, awesomesauce!

  4. The fact that I get to try new foods , and hopefully get my family eating even healthier is a huge deal for me. Plus this would force me to be more brave with things I try!

  5. I think the selections Love With Food uses is pretty solid. The price is right and it's nice to get to check different things before buying a lot of one thing.

  6. This would be exciting on what food comes each month. Good luck to those joining.

  7. I love the partnering with No Kid Hungry. That each box means a meal for a child. Awesome!

  8. I love that they help others!!! We need to do more of that as a society.

  9. I love that you can discover new artisan and gourmet food!

  10. I'm such a foodie, I love this idea :)

  11. I love this idea! Especially that the products are all organic too! What a great way to try new things before you buy!

  12. Love that its organic! thanks for the fun contest!

  13. I love how cheap it is for a montly subscription box. Great giveaway!

  14. Love the giveaway. Organic is the new way to go! :)

  15. I love being able to try things I otherwise wouldn't have purchased. Thx for the giveaway! :)

  16. I love to see when an organization offers a quality product and makes it even better by giving back to their communities through sales. If a company wants to catch my attention or gain my loyalty it's one of the easiest ways to make that happen. Bonus, it's organic too!

  17. Wow!This is so kool!!!
    Nice to know our deed can feed another hungry child!
    gr8 post :)

  18. seems like a really great way to try new things and even better they donate to kids in need!

  19. I like that it's cheap and you help out a charity!

  20. I love that they are helping hungry children! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  21. i've heard of beauty boxes but a food sample box! that's just, cute! :D

  22. I've tried love with food once before with a promo code but your post makes me want to try it again!

  23. The cost is reasonable and they offer a nice tasty variety of foods

  24. Being a food lover it's really an exciting giveaway for me.

  25. This is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  26. I met Love with Food At Blog her and have been wanting to try out their service. I would love to win :-)

  27. I've never heard of this service before so I'm excited to learn more about it! Entered to win also :)

    Shauna @ The Best Blog Recipes

  28. I think it's neat that the snacks are all gluten-free.

  29. That I'd get to try fun food every month!

  30. I love that the foods all seem to be rather on the healthy side.

  31. We've been trying to eat more healthy foods, & this would be a great way to discover new things & learn about foods we've never tried before. Thanks for the chance....


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