Kiss Gradation Polishes Review♥

The fourth product I will be testing from the Influenster Rose VoxBox is, Kiss Gradation Polishes.
Create a ‘gradation/airbrushed’ look at home with a set of 3 mono-chromatic polishes with hints of shimmer and shine. 3 easy steps for a complete gradation look: Apply two coats of Step 1 polish, let it dry. Apply one coat of Step 2 polish on the tip of nail, about 1/3 of nail. Before Step 2 coat is dry, apply one coat of Step 3 on ½ of the nail to blend in. Let dry completely and repeat steps on the other hand. Add your own touch to achieve new, unique nail effects: Apply Step 3 over solid nail polish as a glitter topcoat or wear each of the nail polishes alone. The polish was super easy to apply, and the instructions were simple to follow. This didn't last forever, but I am hard on nail polish... hand washing, hand sanitizer, dishes, laundry, etc. The outcome was okay, but I suppose practicing with this polish would perfect the method to getting a manicure that looks more like the ones on the box.

PROS:  Beautiful Colors, easy to apply, looks Professional, affordable ($6.99)
CONS: Chips easily
DISCLAIMER: All products received are complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster


  1. I miss my nails. I need to get back to doing them when the kiddos are a bit older. What a fun looking product.

    1. I'm horrible at doing my own nails and I always keep them really short! This is definitely a fun product and very easy to use

  2. This sounds neat, I'm not sure about the chipping though.

    1. I'm always hard on my nails so it may work for you, it just wasn't the perfect product for myself! I loved the colors and how easy it is to use!

  3. That is fun. I really like Kiss nail options. I have bought them before. Thanks for sharing. VoxBox's are so amazing. You get great product options. :)

  4. Beautiful! I wish I could keep my nails that nice.

  5. I stink at painting my own nails and if it chipped really easily I would be totally bummed. Thanks for the review!

    1. I agree, I mean if you aren't hard on your nails give it a try! It's very easy to use and looks so pretty

  6. Oh, I got these too. Gave them away as a gift though since theyre not really my style

    1. My daughter loves when I use this on her nails, I'm thinking of getting pink ;)

  7. This Set look like one my daughter would like STOCKING STUFFER IDEA =D

    1. YES YES YESSSS!!! It's the perfect stocking stuffer

  8. now i gotta grow some nails.... :D


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